Why choose ALIP ?

A qualified and committed teaching team


The teachers of ALIP school are all graduates of Higher Education and specialists in teaching – learning French.

They are also specialized in specific fields, for which they are permanently trained: culture, management, oenology, marketing, phonetics, fashion etc….
In addition to their courses, they regularly host conferences and numerous educational visits.

They are also experts in official French certification and examinations.
Teachers actively monitor, advise and encourage each of their students.

The entire team participates in building a climate of trust, sharing and open-mindedness.


Unique French courses



The entire teaching team is involved in the process of creating and continuously improving French programs. To best meet the expectations of our students and partners, and in close collaboration with the major players in training, our teaching is structured around 3 major axes..:

Innovation & Accreditations

label fle qualiopi 2022


Thanks to the dynamism of its teams and the expertise of its partners, ALIP school is committed to a process of pedagogical innovation.

In addition to its exclusive French programs, several projects constantly animate its teams:

  • Custom program design for new partners
  • Development of cultural activities and partnerships
  • Official approvals and labels
    team formation
  • Creation of an ALIP e-learning platform, Planète ALIP